Fresh Live
Fresh Classes

Body Conditioning
Aimed for that strong and toned physique these classes use resistance training and aerobic moves to work on your strength and muscular endurance.

Dance Fit
A unique dance class mixing the steps of Ballroom and up-tempo Latin. It’s fun, energetic and it’s for everyone. No dance exerperience required!

Enjoy the variation of these 45 minute mystery circuit-style classes to keep you on your toes each week! What’s your freestyle move?

Designed to build strength and fitness through a variety of exercises with different formats – aiming to keep you working hard and staying motivated.

Lunch Time Circuits
Mini 30 minute workouts to get the whole body moving. Perfect for a lunch-time blast.

Work that core! Improve posture and general well being. Increasing strength, flexibility and control of the body helping relieve back and neck pain

A variation of flows combining physical exercises, mental meditation, and breathing techniques to strengthen and lengthen the muscles and relieve stress.

Body Blast
Blast that body into shape with these high energy workouts. It will tone those legs, abs and arms whilst burning calories.

Get lean, toned and fit in these workouts which focuses on the whole body. You’ll love the exercises and burn plenty of calories in the process.

Endorphin-realiesasing cardio workouts on the bike. Suitable for all levels to get your heartrate up and burn some serious calories.

Hot latino dance steps. Come and join the party!

Boxing Fit
Box your way to fitness with this high-energy all over body circuit.